About Massive Loop
Virtual Worlds, Real Experiences.
Massive Loop is an immersive virtual world platform for virtual reality and desktop, a growing network of virtual worlds and communities for you to join, explore or even create with others. Massive Loop is a great place for you to offer your services, make friends, hangout at clubs or host events. We don't consider the platform a game but rather a new digital extension of the real world. Come help define it!

Massive Loop features powerful tools including:
  • High fidelity worlds
  • A robust Unity Software Development Kit (SDK)
  • Full scripting support (Lua)
  • Custom avatars
  • Search engine for services, worlds, servers, avatars and much more
  • Full body tracking and lip-syncing
  • Director mode for streamers and VTubers
  • Apps (camera, mirror, chat, compass...)
  • And more!
There are many real world skills that translate perfectly to the digital realm, whether you are a VR experience provider, VTuber, DJ, dancer, club owner, service provider, game developer or even a brick-and-mortar company. Our goal is to give you the tools you need to operate, engage with your current community or even make the jump and excel in this new digital realm. If you have suggestions for tools that would help you succeed, feel free to send them through our contact page.

Massive Loop is organized into Servers, Worlds, and Avatars.
Servers are collections of worlds and avatars with their own rules. Servers are ideal for companies, groups and power users that wish to deliver high-quality experiences to their communities or audiences. Your own server gives you control over which avatars are approved, member acceptance, creator restrictions, age restrictions and more.


Developer Friendly, Token Agnostic

Massive Loop has no tokens or virtual land to buy.

There are no tokens to buy and no upfront investment needed to get started with the platform. Our platform operates in a traditional SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) model (much more like a website host than a game).

Most common functionality is free. You can purchase advanced features if you need them (such as hosting a server for your community). We are confident that by leveraging the platform and its SDK, you will be able to deliver your own connected immersive experiences quickly and cost effectively.
Platform Features
Browser Features:

  • Browser (VR and desktop)
  • Full support for user generated worlds, avatars and content
  • OpenXR support for more devices
  • High resolution worlds
  • Full Body Tracking support
  • Share user profiles, world instances, servers by sharing a URL
  • In World Apps Menu (like chat, personal mirrors, cameras etc.)
  • Unlimited favorites for worlds, avatars, servers
  • World Caching for worlds you visit frequently
  • Search Engine
  • Age verification to help protect minors.
  • And more...
SDK and Hosting Features:

  • Highly programmable Unity 2020 SDK for custom, dynamic worlds and avatars
  • 350 MB world size
  • No need to purchase virtual land
  • LUA Scripting Engine, allows you to write and share code with your team
  • Multiplayer Build and Run (test multiplayer by yourself)
  • ML Components (Grab, Mirrors, Video Steaming, Ride Vehicles and more)
  • Multiplayer object synchronization features (ML_Synchronizer, SyncVars, Events)
  • Quickstart Video Tutorials (~10 min each)
  • Complete documented SDK Reference.
  • Integrated Hosting (upload from the SDK)
  • Worlds and Avatars hosted on globally distributed (CDN) servers
  • Assign Creator roles and permissions to your team
  • And more...
About Human Mode
Massive Loop has been in development since 2018, funded by Human Mode LLC, a US based frontier technology investment company focused in the areas of vitutal reality, spatial computing, robotics and artificial intelligence.