Brandon's RPG Sandbox [Singleplayer]
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Brandon's RPG Sandbox [Singleplayer]
7 Visits
Sandbox to test out various things for a single player experience that is coming soon! Most recent updates are to enemy AI and how they chase the player, how they attack, how they decide to wander around once the player is away from them. They utilize NavMesh to determine distances and specific spots to go to. Other notable recent updates are door mechanics-- some doors will need to be opened with a specific colored key, some doors will need to be opened by a hidden switch, trap doors and many more fun dungeon building items! My main inspiration for this project are the classic gothic fantasy games Hexen and Heretic These games are spinoffs of the original Doom made by Raven Software in the mid 90s. I have such a soft spot for these classic dark fantasy FPS games and I have been wanting to create a game to pay homage to them! Currently WIP: +Melee weapon mechanics +Working on darker gritty fantasy feel +Improvements to basic skeleton AI +Improvements to overall AI and how enemies attack / interact with the player +Improvements to the player stat board, and class system +Along with stats-- testing the inclusion and usage of cloud variables to track player progress as they unlock stages / levels +Improvements to weapons +Creating stage environments. +Minibosses +Improvements to sounds
Publishing Status: Public (Globally)
Age Restriction: none
Server: Massive Loop
World Id: 3d7eaa02-ee7d-41c6-a8e9-7f27b06b36d9
Owner: Brandon-W
Category fantasy
Max Visitors (per instance): 1
Worlds Size (MB): 100.90 MB
Published On: 09/15/2023 02:49 PM
Updated On: 01/18/2024 05:11 PM
Created By: Brandon-W