Mic Drop Club
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Mic Drop Club
290 Visits
Sing with your friends to your heart's content in this cozy and modern music club. This makes great use of the streaming browser, audio reverb zones and the awesome new sitting postures! 11/30/2023 : +Adjusted reflectiveness on materials +Adjusted graphics settings profiles +Removed realtime lighting 6 / 6 / 2023 : +Updated to SDK version 0.7.10! +Added microphone system (for testing purposes!) 5 / 23 / 2023 : +Updated to SDK version 0.7.9! 5 / 3 / 2023 : +Adjusted the reflectiveness of various materials within the world to help with visual clarity. +Adjusted the material on the TV screens to help with visual clarity. +Removed several real time lights to help with performance. +Made the light for the main stage togglable along with the other dynamic lights. 4 / 24 / 2023 : +Added in-world graphical options board. This works on a local user by user basis. This means that graphical that changes one user makes will not affect others. Each individual user can locally toggle dynamic lighting, audio reverb that is present on the stage, post processing effects, and the front rendering camera (all toggling all of these off will save a lot in terms of performance!) +Added pens and an eraser. 4/21/2023 : +Readjusted the size of the two bar areas! +Added in a crowd camera that displays the karaoke stage to the front lobby!
Publishing Status: Public (Globally)
Age Restriction: none
Server: Massive Loop
World Id: 58a149b6-4a4c-477d-b6f9-743883fdfb2d
Owner: Brandon-W
Category social
Max Visitors (per instance): 16
Worlds Size (MB): 131.84 MB
Published On: 04/14/2023 04:28 PM
Updated On: 11/30/2023 04:03 PM
Created By: Brandon-W