ML Dance Studio
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ML Dance Studio
217 Visits
Testing WIP environment for this dance studio world. I wanted to approach this with more of a modern architecture angle. Environment is still under heavy WIP, I have plans to build out the front entry way a bit more but the functionality of it is there. 12 / 4 / 2023 : +Reduced lightmap size +Removed two mixed lights 11 - 29 - 2023 : +Adjusted ml browser location +Adjusted reflective properties of materials +Removed framing for back mirror +Adjusted graphics settings 9 - 6 - 2023 : +Adjusted web browser location and size +Added in a toggle for the back display allowing users to open up the room more if desired. 6 - 19 - 2023 : +Adjusting front entry +Made the reversing of the browser in the mirror local to each user. 6 - 16 - 2023 : +Added front entry / desk area +Adjusted overall lighting 6 - 15 - 2023 : +Made the ML browser mirror whenever users are at the dancing area
Publishing Status: Public (Globally)
Age Restriction: none
Server: Massive Loop
World Id: 65772e51-836a-409c-bf10-5b9e28c4b405
Owner: Brandon-W
Category social
Max Visitors (per instance): 16
Worlds Size (MB): 73.10 MB
Published On: 06/13/2023 12:00 PM
Updated On: 04/15/2024 10:01 AM
Created By: Brandon-W