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Aloria is a vast and magical world, filled with ancient forests, soaring mountains, and sprawling cities. It is a land where powerful sorcery and fantastical creatures roam free, where kingdoms rise and fall on the strength of their armies and the cunning of their rulers. From the towering spires of the Elven citadels to the shadowed depths of the Dwarven mines, Aloria is a place of wonder and danger, where heroes and villains alike can make their mark on history. But beneath the surface of this wondrous realm, dark forces stir, threatening to plunge the world into chaos and despair. Only the bravest and most skilled adventurers can hope to stem the tide of darkness and preserve the fragile balance of power that holds Aloria together.
Publishing Status: Public (Globally)
Age Restriction: none
Server: Fantastical Realms
World Id: a85e8cc6-fa2d-4dec-a0ce-e90f38d81201
Owner: Brandon-W
Category fantasy
Max Visitors (per instance): 16
Worlds Size (MB): 215.35 MB
Published On: 04/25/2023 11:53 AM
Updated On: 04/25/2023 11:46 AM
Created By: Brandon-W